JSSP TODO and Feature Wish List
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JSSQL component
JSSP Web component
Packaging and Distribution
Project related
JSSQL component
- net.sf.jssp.jssql.Main class to run JSSQL independently from JSSP
- Mapping SQL data types to JavaScript/Java objects should be configurable
- Use a Numeric class instead of BigDecimal (maybe future JS versions will
support Numeric values, ensure compatibility)
- Think about JDBC compatibility with future versions; currently JDBC
support is 1.5 compatible
- wrap/unwrap functions for ResultSets
- Modifying values in ResultSets?
- Inspect SQL statement tree, support semantic checks by providing
suitable data structures
When implementing this make sure that "intelligent" editors can access and
use the data structures to display context help
JSSP Web component
- Configure data sources
- Data source management
- JNDI data source lookups
- Exception handling must be redesigned; currently it's using the default
web server exception handler which is too much "Java-lookalike"; maybe there
should be a special "JSSP error page" for script errors
- Provide libraries, e.g. JSON
- Add ability to provide library folders instead of files (performance?)
- return affected objects in case of side effects? this would involve
tracking all modified objects during a request, plus some serious coding for
the updating of the objects
- improve JSSQL documentation
- add more examples, sophisticated and documented applications
- examples for DBMS other than MySQL
- docs for how to use JSSQL standalone
Packaging and Distribution
Project related
- Eclipse plugin for JSSP projects with intelligent editor providing SQL
syntax highlighting and intellisense, plus debugging facilities
- write a "JSSP killer app" ;-)
Document version: 0.3, 2008-03-03. Author: Leo Meyer,
This file is a part of the JSSP project documentation at http://jssp.sourceforge.net.
The JSSP project is hosted by Sourceforge.